LSRP UPDATE: May 7, 2014 Remedial Investigation Deadline

Synergy Environmental, Inc.
Dave Robinson, LSRP

October 22, 2013

The New Jersey Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) requires that Remedial Investigations be completed, (and Remedial Investigation Reports submitted) by May 7, 2014 for all cases that were initiated prior to 1999. Because this is a Mandatory Deadline, there are no possibilities to extend this date.

Responsible Parties should have received letters from the NJDEP indicating that a remedial investigation has not been completed. If you received this letter and have not completed the remedial investigation (or have not received the letter but a remedial investigation has not been completed), you should contact your LSRP immediately.
Due to the nature of environmental investigations, there is a chance that a remedial investigation may not be completed by the deadline if you do not initiate it by November 2013. Penalties for not completing the investigation include fines, damages, and the ability of the NJDEP to take over the remediation. If the NJDEP choses to take over the remediation, they can perform it as they see fit, with no input from the responsible party.
If you received the letter and believe that you have completed the remedial investigation, the NJDEP requires submission of proof. The following website contains instructions on submitting documentation, as well as other information regarding the May 2014 Deadline.