As the Owner/operator of a regulated UST, have you ever:
Received a Notice of Violation (NOV) for insufficient records detection?  Received a NOV for failure to Report a Release? Been denied insurance coverage (either from State funding or private insurance) for insufficient records? Had a tank alarm go unresolved for any amount of time? Found a tank was empty before a delivery could be made? Needed to have a fuel delivery halted or delayed because water was identified?

Why Synergy UST Compliance?
If you have answered yes to any of the questions above or are vulnerable to any of these issues,  you should consider installing the Synergy UST Compliance System.

If you want to increase your profit margins without increasing your prices, you should consider a proprietary software program provided and monitored by the Synergy Compliance Team.

What is this Proprietary Software Program?
It is an inventory management service developed by Synergy Environmental to help us better serve our petroleum product distribution clients. This proprietary software product translates coded information from existing Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) devices into a user friendly, web based platform for use by trained operators to monitor compliance (leak test results, content purity)  and inventory records in real time.  This system has applications in numerous other industries as well.  Proper implementation of this software will eliminate regulatory violations resulting from tank releases.  In addition, product is delivered on time and without incident. This translates into stability of earnings and greater profits for petroleum product distributors.

Contact Synergy at or Call 484-369-5000 to learn more by participating in a free live webcast demonstration from your computer.


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