Changes to NJDEP Impact to Groundwater Soil Screening Levels

Synergy Environmental, Inc.
David Robinson, LSRP

December 16, 2013

The NJDEP has issued updated Impact to Groundwater Soil Screening Levels (IGWSSL).  The changes are based upon an Update of the default Dilution-Attenuation Factor (DAF) used for calculating Impact to Groundwater Levels. The NJDEP has updated their guidance document and Excel spreadsheet which is posted at:

The new spreadsheets now include the ability to calculate impact to groundwater soil remediation standards for new (unlisted) chemicals.

Updates to NJDEP Classification Exception Area and NJDPES Discharge to Groundwater Guidance:

The Classification Exception Area (CEA) Guidance document and NJPDES Discharge to Ground Water (DGW)  Technical Manual for the Site Remediation Program (SRP) are outdated and the NJDEP will not update them in the near future.  The NJDEP has issued some updated information regarding both of these documents on their associated web pages.

These web pages describe the document content and generally which parts of each are still relevant or are particularly inconsistent with current requirements.  The web pages provide the currently applicable regulatory citations regarding topics covered in each document  (e.g., public notifications, the DGW proposal and permit by rule) and provide links to other locations on the Site Remediation Program website where relevant information regarding these topics is provided.

The introductory web page for the CEA guidance can be found at:

The introductory web page for the NJPDES DGW Manual can be found at:

David Robinson is an LSRP in our Cherry Hill, NJ Office