LSRP UPDATE: NJDEP: Site Remediation, May 2016 Extension RFS Due

Synergy Environmental, Inc.
David Robinson, LSRP

February 20, 2015

Remediation Funding Source (RFS) renewals for all sites that received the 2-year Extension of the May 2014 Remedial Investigation deadline are due before May 7, 2015. For each site (or bundled sites), a complete Remediation Cost Review and RFS-FA Form (or May 2014 RI Extension & Remediation Cost Review Form for bundled cases) must be submitted.

The RFS must be adjusted (either higher or lower) based on information obtained after the initial RFS was acquired.   If a Remedial Investigation Report was submitted and there are no other regulatory obligations to maintain a RFS, the RFS can be closed.

For more information, please go to the following web site:

David Robinson is an LSRP in Synergy’s Cherry Hill, NJ Office.