Synergy Environmental, Inc.
David Robinson, LSRP
March 17, 2015
There are many changes with respect to LSRP’s responsibilities and the way some reports must be submitted. These include:
Starting April 2, 2016, all Remedial Investigation Reports MUST be submitted through NJDEP’s Online Portal. You must be registered for NJDEP Online access:
For instructions on how to use the Portal and upload documents.
Since the beginning of the LSRP program, the discharge reporting requirements for LSRPs have not been clear. At the Site Remediation Advisory Group meeting on March 9, 2015, representatives of the NJDEP cleared up the following:
- LSRPs are not required to report a Responsible Party that is not in compliance with the May 2016 statutory deadline for Remedial Investigation Completion.
- An LSRP that is retained for a specific Area of Concern (AOC) at a site is not responsible for reporting discharges elsewhere on the site. Please note that an LSRP is still responsible for reporting IEC conditions even if they are not the retained LSRP.
The NJDEP has updated several Guidance Documents Since January 2016. Among them:
- The Interim Groundwater Quality Standards
- Administrative Guidance for Addressing Unknown Off-Site Contamination
- Historically Applied Pesticides
Go to for a complete list of documents
David Robinson is an LSRP and Senior Associate with Synergy Environmental, Inc. David manages the Cherry Hill, New Jersey Office.