LSRP UPDATE: NJDEP Announces New Document Review Process

Synergy Environmental, Inc.
David Robinson, LSRP September 21, 2014

For the past four years the NJDEP Bureau of Inspection and Review (BIR) have been performing in depth review of most documents submitted by LSRP’s. Due to the large number of documents being submitted to the NJDEP, the Department has determined that they will be deferring reviews of most non-Response Action Outcome (RAO) documents (e.g., Remedial Investigation Workplans) until the RAO is submitted.

Inspection of documents that the Department considers sensitive to receptors will be reviewed to assure that sensitive populations are protected. Items that require pre-approval (permits, CEAs, etc.) will still be reviewed in a timely fashion. This change in process means that it is more important than ever to make sure that non-RAO documents are administratively and technically complete, and LSRPs should use NJDEP’s Technical Consultation when necessary, especially when using professional judgment to vary from the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation.

David Robinson is a Senior Associate and Manager of Synergy Environmental’s Cherry Hill, New Jersey Office.

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